SSF117 – Exploring the Source and Summit
Dates: TBD
In this course we will explore the life-changing encounter that we are invited to have with Christ in the Eucharist and how we can deepen our devotion to the Lord and His profound self-gift in the liturgy. We will seek to “rediscover the unity of liturgy and life in Christ” and will engage in a prayerful reflection on the truths and gifts vouchsafed by God to the Church in the liturgy. The scriptural and historical development of the Sacrament of the Eucharist will be explored, in such a way as to orient us to a deeper and mystagogical encounter with the Eucharistic Christ in prayer and adoration.
This course is offered in collaboration with Adoremus as one course in the four part series, Mystery and Mission in the Sacred Liturgy.
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