GP1100 – Bible and the Revelation of Prayer
Dates: TBD
Starting with an overview of the revelation of prayer from Genesis to Revelation as presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this course studies the use of the Bible in the Public Worship of the Church. The Liturgy is the source and summit of the Christian life while the Bible is the soul of theology. Exploring the relationship the Bible and the Liturgy opens up a vision of prayer filled with Patristic insight and the wisdom of the early Church. Objectives: 1. Provide familiarity with the Canon of Sacred Scripture in relation to the Revelation of Prayer 2. Discuss the Nature of Mystagogical Catechesis and consider its application in the theological enterprise 3. Explore the relationship of the Bible, Liturgy and Prayer in the Life of the Church. 4. Explain principles of Christian spirituality witnessed in liturgical practices of the Ancient Church.
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