Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones is a PhD candidate in moral theology at the Catholic University of America, where he focuses on Catholic social doctrine and political thought. His dissertation, entitled “The Nation-State and Global Governance: A Question in Modern Catholic Social Doctrine,” deals with the development of the Church’s teaching on global politics and the meaning of subsidiarity, solidarity, and the common good in international affairs. With a minor in systematic theology, he is also interested in the theology of grace, the theology of faith, and St. John Henry Newman  on history and the development of doctrine. He received a BA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD and an MA in Theology at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. He has taught courses at Catholic University of America, the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and St. Vincent College, has published in Nova et Vetera and Newman Review, and has contributed a chapter to the forthcoming book Moral Conversion in Scripture, Self, and Society, published by De Gruyter Press. He lives in Latrobe, PA with his wife Dr. Jessica Jones.

Patrick Jones can be contacted at [email protected].