Deacon Colin Coleman
Deacon Colin Coleman was baptized a Catholic but not raised in the faith, first encountering our Lord in a real way at age twenty-one, just before he met his wife. After their marriage, Deacon Colin helped found the St Vinnies Youth Movement in New Zealand and then was asked by the bishop to join the diocesan youth team as director, a position he held for two years. Desiring a deeper and more radical relationship with Jesus, Deacon Colin and his wife joined the Community of the Beatitudes in 1993, joining in a Beatitude house in France that was only a few miles from Lourdes. They were then asked to help found the Beatitude house in Christchurch, New Zealand, where they stayed for nine years. During this time, Deacon Colin was asked take over as superior of the house. They were then led to the United States to assist in the mission in Denver, Colorado, where he works for the parish of St. Catherine of Siena as Director of Religious Education. On behalf of the Archdiocese, Deacon Colin teaches and provides formation for engaged couple preparing for marriage. As part of his responsibilities with the Beatitude community, he is in charge of the lay branch and assists in the formation of new members and the ongoing formation of existing members. Deacon Colin was ordained in 2013 and has been married to Maria for the past twenty six years and they have been blessed with seven children (four daughters, two sons and one son waiting for them in heaven).
Deacon Coleman can be contacted at [email protected].